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All the Different Benefits and Uses for Enviroflow Drainage Plank

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All the Different Benefits and Uses for Enviroflow Drainage Plank

As a tradesman, it’s important to know about all the new and innovative products that come to market that may help you to complete your jobs more easily. That’s why we want to introduce you to the new Enviroflow Drainage Plank. It’s an unique and innovative product that offers many benefits for building and landscaping projects.

blog post image of Enviroflow Drainage Plank Uses

Key Takeaways:

  • Enviroflow is a drainage product made from 100% waste plastics.
  • It offers faster water flow and better water retention than traditional drainage systems.
  • Can be used for agriculture, sports grounds, residential drainage, equestrian facilities, golf courses and more.
  • Offers improved drainage and cushioning, reduces water consumption and CO2 emissions, and is easy to install.

What is Enviroflow Drainage Plank?

Enviroflow is a drainage product made from 100% solely waste plastics. It provides unparalleled drainage as when compared with existing drainage systems. It offers a faster water flow and better water retention capabilities. Its macro-porous/micro-porous matrix construction which means that it has both large and small pores within its structure. This allows the larger particles to move through more quickly, while smaller particles are filtered to prevent the system from clogging. Enviroflow is environmentally friendly, carbon positive and provides a fantastic sustainable solution.

It’s called a drainage plank due to its shape being similar to a plank of wood. It comes in a 1m long section that is 220mm wide and 45mm deep.

Product Image of the Enviroflow Drainage Plank

What makes Enviroflow perform so well?

Over time traditional sand and gravel drainage systems can become clogged as silt and dirt particles enter the system causing inefficient drainage. While the systems perform just fine when newly installed, it doesn’t take long before they become clogged. Whereas with Enviroflow there is a small degree of initial migration of particles, but after that the product cannot be infiltrated further, meaning efficient drainage in maintained.

Image showing Enviroflow Drainage plank vs Trench Drains

Where can Enviroflow Drainage Planks be Used?

Agricultural Use:

Enviroflow planks aren’t only confined to garden use, they can also be use for large farming operations. Enviroflow can provide a very efficient, highly performing and environmentally friendly approach to field drainage and Enviroflow can even serve as a medium for hydroponic agriculture. All that would be required are the drainage planks, a dusting of topsoil seeds and occasional watering, then once the plants have been harvested you can simply remove the roots, hose down the planks and then reuse them

Not only can Enviroflow help to control evaporation and water migrating in agricultural use, but it also helps to reduce water consumption, which is a big consideration for farmers these days. Another use is tiling between crop rows. Water can be poured in at one end and the capillary action will allow the water to migrate to the other end, providing regular water flow to the crops.

Commercial Sports & Practice Grounds

blog post image of Commercial sports field drainage using Enviroflow Drainage planks

Moving on from smaller school sports fields, Enviroflow is also perfect for commercial sports and training grounds, helping to maintain the stability and drainage of the pitches. it also helps to prevent issues such as settlement, compaction and migration of the top surface which otherwise would made it difficult to play on due to the ground eventually becoming uneven. By ensuring a safe, well-drained and stable sports field Enviroflow will help keep all sports activities on track with no distractions caused by ground maintenance while also lowering maintenance costs. Due to the times saved on site due to the ease of installation as well as it’s low upfront costs, using Enviroflow can save up to 20% on costs when compared to conventional systems. It also helps fight climate change by saving over 40 tonnes of CO2 emissions per pitch.

Residential Drainage

Suffering from a waterlogged garden? Enviroflow is a perfect solution as it can be used in place of a French drain, a channel drain or within a herringbone drainage system which can help drain water away effectively and efficiently. By creating a stable and porous base it is also perfect for use underneath driveways. It often works out to be very cost effective and follows the government guidelines for managing drainage in residential areas.

It’s super easy to install which is perfect for most homeowners it can simply be slotted into a 50mm trench by hand without the need for any geotextile or shingle around it. it’s also perfect for path edging where it can be concreted into place for added durability.

Some uses can be draining lawns, path edging, keeping foundations stable, keeping basements dry as well as most general residential drainage needs.

Equestrian Surfacing for Stables and Arenas

The planks are also a versatile solution for equestrian facilities and proves many benefits for stable and arena surfaces. It provides excellent cushioning which helps to prevent impact injuries and reduce strain on the animals joints and also allows for excellent drainage underneath the horse arena which ensures a surface with no damp spots. It also acts as an insulation on concrete floors which improves comfort for the horses or other animals. As explained earlier, it can also be used to drain large fields similarly to a land drainage system.

Golf – Fairways and Bunkers

blog post image for Enviroflow Drainage plank for golf bunkers

Enviroflow was specifically designed for use on golf courses, it’s used on fairways, bunkers, buggy paths and culverts as it’s a perfect solution for reducing wet spots and improving drainage while preventing contamination of the bunker sand. Traditional French drains sometimes dry out and this results in brown dried grass strips. Instead, Enviroflow drainage planks provide a stable solution that doesn’t clog with dirt, silt or sand and will maintain its effectiveness over time. This makes the job easier for golf course greenkeepers as well as providing a better overall experience for golfers.

French Drains

blog post image of Enviroflow Drainage plank used as a french drain

A French drainage system is typically a trench filled with gravel with a land drainage pipe that runs through it protected by a non woven geotextile membrane. it’s used to channel water away from one area to another. Enviroflow drainage planks can completely replace this system offering an alternative to French drainage systems that is not only more cost effective but also superior in several ways. The product uses its porous matrix structure to allow water to flow through while filtering out  smaller particles. It’s also more cost effective and much easier to install as the drainage planks simply need slotting into the trench. No geotextile or shingle is required as the planks cannot clog. Additionally Enviroflow can be used as a silt control layer within existing systems which will help to further reduce maintenance and improve performance.

Green Roofs & Roof Gardens

blog post image for Enviroflow drainage plank used on green roofs

Green roofs have gained popularity as a means of reducing heat absorption and promoting biodiversity in urban environments. The Enviroflow panels offer an innovative solution for creating effective green roofs that not only enhance the environment, but also help reduce carbon footprint.

Enviroflow is lightweight and it’s ease of installation can seriously help to save on construction costs of a green roofs. It offers several benefits besides it’s excellent drainage properties such as construction workers being able to walk over it during construction which helps to reduce delays during the build of your green roof. Enviroflow drainage planks also allow for better management of water and nutrient uptake for the plants providing a controlled growth environment.

Manufactured from recycled plastic, the Enviroflow panels feature advanced capillary action that helps transport water, providing the necessary support for growing plants and vegetation. The panels act as a wick, store, and diffuser, helping to manage stormwater runoff, and maintain healthy plant growth.

By using Enviroflow, green roofs and facades can be created with herbaceous growth, without the risk of soil slippage. Non-invasive plant varieties such as birds’ foot trefoil or rupturewort ground cover, can be grown, requiring little more than an annual inspection. The Enviroflow panels have been tested and confirmed to save approximately 1 tonne of CO2 per 100m2.

In addition to being environmentally friendly, Enviroflow green roofs are lightweight, even when saturated. Irrigation can help maintain green roofs all year round, but if preferred, traditional sedums can also be used without irrigation. The retained water is taken from the roof deck to the roots by capillary action, making Enviroflow an efficient and low-maintenance solution for green roofs.

Transport Infrastructure

Roadways, railways and airport runways can all benefit from the use of Enviroflow planks. They’re often used as a structural drainage layer and can direct water from the surface horizontally which can then be collected by vertical units at the sides of the area. This will ensure that surfaces remain stable and free from damage in all weather conditions while preventing any water buildup. The drainage planks when used in transportation infrastructure help to keep assets in good condition and helps to reduce costly repairs and maintenance.

Permeable Block Paving Bases

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It also makes a perfect base material when used with permeable block paving systems. These systems are designed to allow water to drain through the paved surface and into the ground which helps to reduce runoff and improves the water quality in nearby water courses. When used in place of traditional aggregates such as pebbles and sand there are several benefits. Firstly, the planks provide a stable and strong base which helps prevent settling and compaction and also helps to reduce the loss of sand or other aggregates which helps to maintain the integrity of the pavement. Secondly Enviroflow drainage planks do not clog, they will allow water to run through the surface and into the ground, and lastly they do not require any protection from geotextile membranes which helps to reduce costs and time during the installation.

Embankment Stabilisation & Retaining Wall Dewatering

All the Different Benefits and Uses for Enviroflow Drainage Plank image 1

Enviroflow planks are a perfect solution for embankment stabilisation as it’s helps to drain and dewater embankments which prevents land slippage which prevents soil erosion. Not only this, but structures like bridges, basements and retaining walls can benefit from Enviroflow as a single layer can effectively move water away from any vulnerable areas and ensure its stability. When water pressure builds up behind retaining structures it can create a “thrust” on the wall which needs to be dealt with, usually this would be done by using weep holes however these small diameter pipes can become clogged very easily even when the wall is backed by a gravel trench and a geotextile membrane is used to filter out the gravel.

Enviroflow is deal because it filters the water without the need for a geotextile, keeping the silt the other side of the structure. Water is then directed away from the wall via the drainage planks to its desired location.

Enviroflow for Roadways

Enviroflow can enhance the drainage system for roadways. It’s a completely propus product that can be used as a structural sub-base which replaces traditional aggregates. It helps to prevent cracking on the surface of the roadway which greatly reduces maintenance costs . It’s also super easy to handle and install and is very durable even under heavy trafficking.

It isn’t only used with roadways however, it can also be used as a sub-base beneath driveways, carriageways, and railways helping to move water away from the tracks preventing pulsing, which is the movement of the ground surface usually caused by the buildup of water under the sub-base. The material only becomes stronger with more weight loading so it is ideal for heavily trafficked situations.

When compared to traditional drainage systems, Enviroflow offers many benefits including lower costs, faster installation, reduced excavation, rapid surface reinstatement, reduced site traffic, and reduced long-term maintenance costs. Its superior material flow rate (21,000mm/hr) compared to medium course sand (2,089mm/hr) and medium fine sand (1,222mm/hr) significantly increases water transport by up to 355%.

Stables and Livestock Areas

When used in stables and livestock areas Enviroflow can provide quite a few benefits. Firstly, when installed as a single layer over the top of a concrete floor it provides a non slip surface that is warm and dry which enhances the comfort level for the animals. The reduction of wet bedding whilst providing a softer surface has many health benefits for the animals reducing injuries such as arthritis, swelling and damp related conditions.  It allows water and other liquids to drain through as it is completely porous and does not clog. This means bedding remains dryer for longer. The planks can then easily be washed down without any issues. Also it can be used an a temporary removable flooring later for temporary stables which helps to save time and effort.

School Sports Field & General Drainage

blog post image for Sports field drainage with enviroflow drainage planks

Enviroflow planks offer an cost effective and efficient solution for drainage excess water which prevents puddles on school playgrounds and sports fields, which helps to keep a healthy green lawn all year round. They are lightweight and easy to install which helps to minimise disruption during the installation. Their durable design doesn’t require any maintenance over time which helps to keep overall maintenance costs low. There are many benefits to using the Enviroflow Planks to ensure that your school’s playgrounds and sports fields look great, are well maintained and are a safe and fun environments for students and staff.

Solar Fields

When used in solar parks, Enviroflow drainage planks help to prevent standing water which protect solar panels from damage as well as making for a safer area for them. The installation of solar panels will usually affect any existing land drainage systems that are in place however when drainage planks are installed along with the panels they will immediately reduce any standing water. Once installed they can also help to prevent the drying out of the ground around the solar panels which helps to reduce fire risk. The product is 75% lighter than gravel and doesn’t require the use of any geotextile membranes.

Case Studies:

The Versatility of Enviroflow for Sports Stadiums and Multi-Use Venues

The Enviroflow system has proven to be a versatile solution for sports stadiums and other multi-use venues. The Millennium stadium, for instance, has installed Enviroflow modules to create a strong and durable base for its turf. The modules sit on top of an asphalt base and are topped with 30cm of fiber sand and finally the turf, creating a large and even interface between the root zone and the atmosphere below. This interface allows for very effective use of sub-air systems, which circulate warm air and atomized water, promoting root growth and maintaining a stable pitch.

The modular design of Enviroflow allows for easy installation, transportation, and maintenance. The modules are lightweight, and can be moved by a forklift or placed by two people. Despite its lightweight, the Enviroflow system is strong and can support heavy machinery. With stadiums and multi-use venues needing to stay busy and utilized for various purposes, Enviroflow’s modular system is a solution that is proving to be the future.

Enviroflow’s Benefits in Supermarket Entrances & M25 Junction 30 Project

Supermarket entrances require a level area that can accommodate trolleys while also having a drainable area with minimal excavation. Enviroflow provides a solution to this challenge with its unique properties in water transfer and filtration. The layer of Enviroflow beneath a permeable entrance allows water to be directed to an outlet without significant excavation or gradients. Additionally, its ability to filter silts above 30 microns makes it an economical alternative to traditional solutions.

The M25 Junction 30 construction project faced substantial costs and waste water from transporting silts to a contaminated landfill. The designers, Balfour Beatty and Skanska, worked with Naylor Environmental to implement a filtration system using Enviroflow and Smart Sponge technology to reduce silts and capture hydrocarbons in run offs.

The waste material was tipped into a forebay and flowed through two layers of Enviroflow filtration before discharging into a Smart Sponge Ultra Urban Filter. The results of the project were successful, with a final discharge approved by the local Environmental Agency and savings of over £110k per annum. The project’s success has led to several similar schemes in various stages of construction.

Enviroflow: An Eco-Friendly Solution for Construction & Silt Control

The construction industry generates a significant amount of waste water and silts, which can be costly to transport to contaminated landfills. To address this issue, Naylor Environmental worked with Balfour Beatty and Skanska to create a filtration system using Enviroflow. This product is an economic alternative to traditional solutions, as it not only transfers water efficiently, but also filters silts above 30 microns.

Enviroflow was implemented in the M25 Junction 30 project and showed great results. The scheme was approved by the local Environment Agency for the receiving water course without a permit. The treatment of 28,000 liters of waste water was re-used on site, resulting in a savings of over £110k per annum. Additionally, the construction costs were only £11k.

Enviroflow not only prevents silt build up, but also stabilizes the gravel to avoid rutting when overrun by heavy goods vehicles. Compared to traditional filter cleaning, which involves excavation, segregation, and cleaning of the filter material, Enviroflow is a more efficient and eco-friendly solution. It also prevents silts from “pumping” to the surface and clogging, making it the ideal drainage layer within railway ballast and beneath carriageways.

In conclusion, the use of Enviroflow in construction projects can lead to significant savings, improved environmental performance, and reduced impact on local ecosystems. With several similar schemes in various stages of construction, Enviroflow is a solution worth considering for any construction project.

Product Performance and Physical Properties

Made with 100% recycled thermoplastics, Enviroflow offers a range of benefits, including easy installation and handling, little to no maintenance, high strength, and long-lasting performance. Whether you’re looking for a solution for drainage, water treatment, ground stabilisation, retention/detention, or permeable paving, Enviroflow is well worth considering. The high-void structure of Enviroflow Planks offers a drainage capacity and structural stability greater than mos aggregates, making them a superior choice for a wide range of industries.

In conclusion, Enviroflow Drainage Plank is an excellent choice for lots of building and landscaping projects. With its innovative design, efficient performance, and eco-friendly features, Enviroflow is a product that you should definitely consider for your next project.

The product is tested and has proven performance results. It has a percolation rate of 18,500mm/hr and an average permeability of 0.00812m/s. Its compressive strength is tested at 1,028 tonnes/m2, and its shear strength is at 8,997 N. Enviroflow also passes environmental tests, with a life cycle inventory saving 2 tons of CO2 per 200m2.

We hope you have enjoyed this blog post on Enviroflow Drainage Planks, as usual, if you have any further questions or need any help, just give us a call!

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2 thoughts on “All the Different Benefits and Uses for Enviroflow Drainage Plank

  1. Alan Roberts says:

    Hello, I am a Bristol based landscaper currently replacing a failed Victorian brick retaining wall with concrete block laid flat. Can I use your environflow planks behind the new retaining wall to drain water coming through the earth ? It would be helpful to see images of the planks used behind domestic retaining walls.
    Many Thanks,

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